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Cookies: no, privacy: yes

We're naturally curious about how you discovered us and your experience on our website. We could track that with analytics software full of cookies, but your privacy is more important to us, so we won't do that. If you'd like to share your thoughts on our website, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to send us a message via email or our social media channels.

Turtle with its head pulled in its shell

Privacy-first statistics

Our website collects basic statistics: how often each page is visited and whether our content is predominantly read in Dutch or if our English version is also popular.

Unlike most analytics software, such as Google Analytics, our website does not track your visit status in the browser using cookies or localStorage (so no cookie banner needed). We also do not attempt to determine an individual fingerprint based on your IP address, your browser's user agent string, or other identifiable data. Our insights into the use of our website are therefore less refined but still useful for us. And at least as important, your privacy is maintained.

How we're doing this? We use Web Analytics by Cloudflare, the same company that provides our green web hosting.

External content

On our website, we occasionally include external content from platforms like YouTube. These platforms may leave cookies. At that point, we explicitly ask for your consent before loading the external content. You can still choose to decline the cookies.

Interested in enhancing privacy and consent for your own website? Take a look at the Privacy by Design page by De Voorhoede.